Friday, October 1, 2010

The Most Dramatic...

Well, it's has been almost a month since my last post and SO much has happened.  School started off with a good start.  Kayson began to go to the babysitter's, and life seemed like it would pretty much go on as normal...boy was I wrong.

After the first week of school, Grandma Terry had a massive stroke at the base of her brain by her brain stem.  The statistics where that only 5% of individuals who have this type of stroke survive, so we all prepared for the worst.  Family flew in from all over the country and she had a continual bedside watch for the first 48 hours after her stroke.  But Grandma's fight and stubbornness got her through it and she woke up the next morning.  However, that is when the problem escalated.  She was unable to swallow and so she had to have a feeding tube eventually put in and due to the use of an oxygen mask to keep her oxygen levels up, she had little to no voice.  All she could say was "go home" and "see you tomorrow."  She also lost her coordination and really struggled with everyday functions.  Grandma continued to grow stronger until it was determined that she was stable and then she was sent to a recovery center, where she could do physical therapy and continue to get better.  But apparently "better" was not in the cards and after two weeks of sleepless nights, continual worry, and many prayers, Grandma died in her sleep on September 18th, 2010. 

I have to say that her being gone is a relief, but I miss her a lot!  I will miss all of the silly and crazy  things she did and the concern and love she had for all of her family.  I just hope that she is happy in heaven and that she is overwhelmed with love from my Grandpa who has been on the other side for the last eleven years.

Now, my latest challenge has been the students I have this year.  I have never had to teach such a vast population of students in ethnicity and academics before.  It is hard to see how many lack the necessary keys to be successful, but it is thrilling to see how many have worked so hard this far and have grasped the three sight words I have taught them this week.  I still hope for the best and will do what I need to teach these kids to be successful learners in life.

Life has taken us on a few adventures so far.  We took Kayson to the state fair to see all the animals (his favorite was the chickens).  Let Kayson try chocolate ice cream for the first time.  Found our neighbor drunk on our front porch in the middle of the night.  Found out about a week ago that Kayson's Similac formula was contaminated with wevals, and just discovered Kirtland Brand Baby Formula to replace the bad formula.  We are only slightly frustrated with this change because Kayson didn't have any problems with Similac and now no one will sell it!  Kayson is currently suffering with his third cold since birth, he is almost eight months old, and now has eight teeth!  And the adventures are sure to go on...

Kayson has made leaps and bounds in his motor skills in the last three weeks.  He is now crawling everywhere, getting into everything and as of today, he is beginning to pull himself up to stand on his feet.  It is so fun to watch him grow and learn.  I can't wait for the day he talks and the day he walks will be joyous, but sad.  I especially love it when he gets to come visit me at school during lunch time either with his daddy or Nana.  I don't think I realized how much I would miss him while I am at work and I still struggle with taking him to the babysitter's even though it is only for one day a week.  I seriously believe I am his favorite fan!

Jayson is doing wonderfully in school and is exceeding his own expectations.  He is currently the top student in his accounting class, and had become quite inventive in this thinking with his technology classes at school.  He has been very busy juggling school, a full time job, and being Kayson's babysitter during the week.  I appreciate his dedication to his studies and the time and sacrifices he is making to take care of our family.  I am really lucky to have such a kind and devoted man as my husband and father for my child.

As life continues to unfold, I will continue to post.  Good night!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Latest and Greatest

So the last two weeks have become a blur!  The day after Labor Day, Grandma Terry suffered a massive stroke and has been, luckley for her, recuperating and surviving in the hospital.  She became one of the 5% to survive what she went through and we are hoping that when she wakes up, nothing else was affected.  Mom and Dad are going to have their hands full now, it looks like moving to Utah has added some additional responsibilities.

Jayson started school and has been busily trying to master a new field, Accounting and Technology, so he can finish is BS at UVU next fall.  He also has been working full time and taking care of Kayson while I am at work.

I started Kindergarten for this year on September 1.  I have a very social class and many personalities.  This year should be fun, but a challenge due to the diversity of my student population.

Kayson has had a really busy last month.  Between age 6 and 7 months, he has army crawled, moved up to crawling, and now is getting into everything and has started to pull himself up onto his feet.  I have a feeling that if this trend continues, he will be walking VERY SOON!  He also has developed the ability to grab objects, turn pages in books, and to go from laying down to sitting and from sitting to lying down!  He also has three teeth that have come in on the bottom and 4 ascending from the top.  He is going to be able to eat big people food sooner than I thought!  I can't believe how fast my little boy is growing up!

Stay tuned for more...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Kayson's Blog

sayxsa: dfx c vuhjgfrwqehgjio,jab c dfde4gjgjho jjklmnp,[plawtrfygjn vbxswxyzottttttbnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnk6rm2w,iowkl,

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Little Worm

So it is official, my little boy is mobile!  Kayson is quickly perfecting his army crawl and is constantly practicing the crawling stance, (this has been happening for about a week).  He likes to get into the stance, rock forward and backward, and then when he tries to go forward he bends his little elbows instead of keeping them straight and crumples into a ball on the floor.  It is so cute to watch!

It is pretty crazy now, we can't even leave him on his tummy without him wiggling down the hallway after us.  I have to admit, I wasn't planning on having to worry about everything else in the house so early, but Kayson is like me, an early crawler.

I can't wait to see how long it is before he is completely mobile and getting into everything!  So fun!  I love being a Mom!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kayson's First Golfing Trip

Last night Jayson and I were pretty restless and wanted to go do something fun, so we grabbed the golf clubs and Kayson and went to the driving range.  Keep in mind that Kayson has never seen golf clubs or golf balls and so when Jayson and I proceded to hit these itty bitty balls with these massively huge sticks Kayson seriously thought it was one of the funniest things he had ever seen.  Every single time Jayson or I would hit the golf balls Kayson would break into uncontrolable laughter.  It seriously was the funniest thing I had ever seen.  He really made us laugh and made focusing really hard.

Today, Kayson and Jayson where playing indoor putt-putt in the family room using some old mugs as the holes/targets.  Everytime Jayson would putt at the ball, Kayson would try to snatch the ball before it went into the mug.  Sometimes Jayson would miss and Kayson would pick up the ball and put it in the cup for his Daddy.  So cute!

Well that is the latest and greatest of Kayson!

Monday, August 9, 2010

I NEED a Project!

So I pretty much finished my classroom today.  Other then Circuiting out some words for wall labels in the classroom and getting them hung up, I really have nothing else to do; which has now got me wanting another project to do.  Even the painting at my parent's is done! 

I guess I could over the top and make massively huge animals to put on the walls and get some more butcher paper and poster putty and make my classroom more into an ocean.  Or I could create some posters for the class and laminate them to put rules and goals on.  So I guess I just thought of some more projects to do.  This year I guess my motto at school is going to be "Go Big or Go Home"!  I guess we will see how time goes.

I still want a constructive project to do.  Maybe I will talk my parents into helping me create the bookcase/shelving unit I want to make, since the other piece of furniture I want to get for my place is apparently only a thing of my dreams and doesn't exsist on KSL, Craigslist, or any of the furniture stores.  Hopefully, I will be able to humor this urge to do something big soon without driving myself into the poor house or maybe I will feel better when this stupid "nesting" thing goes away.  For some reason I thought this urge was suppose to happen before you have a baby and then disapate, not come after you have your baby and then last for months.  Oh well...we will just have to see what happens!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Life Unravels Fast!

So the last time I blogged I was venting about cell phones and cars.  Little did I know from that time, that in a few short days I would be purchasing a 2005 Acura TL.  I have to say that I love this car!  I am not totally thrilled about some of the maintence that needs to be done (alignment and rotation of the tires), but when it comes down to a car that fits our family, and that Jayson and I agreed upon, I couldn't be happier! 

Also, since the last time I blogged, Jayson turned 28 years old, and Kayson turned 6 months old and has been trying to figure out how to crawl ever since.  I am looking forward to the day he does crawl, but at the same time I would prefer he puts it off because I want him to stay my baby forever and the day he starts to crawl will be the one day that will put him closer to independence!

Jayson and I have been helping my mom this last week to get her place painted for when she and my dad move out here, to Utah, in the next couple of weeks.  It has been an absolutely huge project, but a lot of fun because we get to spend time together as a family.  Plus, this move means we get an extra set of hands to help with Kayson which will be nice since he loves his Nana and Papa.

I pretty much have my classroom ready to go for this up coming school year, I just need to add the finishing touches; and can say that I am really grateful for the team of teachers that I will be working with this school year.  I am finally with a group of teachers who have the same teaching practices as me and like to be prepared before we jump out the gate for this upcoming school year, which is awesome!  I have to admit that the butterflies are beginning earlier than they did last year and that I am beginning to have teaching dreams again!  As much fun as it is to teach, doing it in your sleep and then doing it the next day is exhausting so I am hoping that these dreams will subside once this school year gets underway.

It is amazing to see how fast this year has gone by.  Here is it August, and since the beginning of the year we have celebrated family member's birthdays, increased our family size, graduated Jayson with his AS degree, I have gotten a job at a new school, taken Kayson on vacation, have lived through 2 new teeth and ear infections with the baby, celebrated Jayson's birthday and now Jayson and my 2nd wedding anniversary is coming up!  I can't believe that it has been two years since we got married and will be 6 years that we have known and loved each other, CRAZY!

I will blog as more happens!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why? In relation to American Companies...

So I don't get it.  Jayson and I have been thinking about getting a new car (or atleast a gently used one) for awhile now.  We have been thinking about sending the Camaro and possibly the Protege on their way and taking the money to get a bigger car for our family.  My question is, why do car dealers think that used cars are the same price as new cars, and then why do they think that new cars need to cost so much?!  And don't get me started on their financing!

Then, cell phones.  Why do you have to have a data plan with virtually every single phone and then why don't the phones that don't require the data plan never have the features you are looking for?  And why do almost all the phones contain touch screens?  I seriously think the phone companies know these things always malfunction and need insurance!  Talk about a pre-meditated fleecing of America.  And another thing, I don't understand, why do people who have perfectly good (brand new) phones think they need another new phone?  I can't believe the number of individuals at the cell phone store today who were purchasing (at full price) brand new phones, to replace their already new model cell phones!

Ok, I think I am done venting!  Just so annoyed today with the marketing world!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Back to School Bug has BIT!

I have spent so much time planning and trying to decide how to make my classroom this school year special.  I just spent about $12.00 to make a learning rug for my classroom.  I took beach mats and duck tape then connected the mats together to create one large mat for my students to sit on.  The best part is that it is lightweight and easy to roll up so it will be a sinch to move!  I also have been making student pouches to place on the back of my student's chairs so I don't end up with a bunch of misplaced paper.  I love being able to apply some of the things that I saw in other classrooms last year in my own this year.  Its will be a new slate and a new start.  I will have to post pictures when the final product is finished!  I can't wait to see how things turn out.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Spauldings Came to Town!

So yesterday my Father-in-law and Sisters-in-law came to town.  We met up at the Cheesecake Factory for dinner, introduced Kayson to all my old co-workers, and then went home to play with Grandpa and the Aunties for the remainder of their short visit.  While Grandpa and Jayson were out fixing the car, Kayson played and talked with his aunts!  It was so cute, Elyse laid next to Kayson on the floor and looked at Kayson and had the following conversation:

Elyse:  Hi Kayson!
Kayson: Hi.
Elyse: How are you doing?
Kayson: Gooood.

Kayson may have no idea what he is saying, but it was just to darn cute!  I can't wait until he can talk, I kinda am hoping that he will have conversations with me and that his first words will be MAMA!  We will just see what ends up happening, hopefully once his two bottom teeth come in all the way he will be able to talk with us!

Here is Kayson's blog for the day:

 h rjnhassgtfhjijbo  kj,,,,bnihmon fdrgvjnubv   ggggggggggggg gunnby6jhrreawtyvgcrf3gg.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oh My Spoiled Little Boy!

I thought today would be a perfect day to remember some of the things cute Kayson has recently done.  A couple of days ago Kayson, Aunt Melissa and I were scrapbooking and Kayson wanted my attention.  While sitting in Aunt Missy's lap, he looked me straight in the face and yelled MOM as loud as he could.  The look of victory on his face, when I responded, was probably one of the cutest things I have ever seen in my life.  Yesterday (July 21, 2010), Kayson has sitting on my lap before his nap.  I had an unopened Diet Coke next to me and before I could even get situated, Kayson had snatched up the soda can and tried to open it to drink it.  He got so frustrated when he couldn't get it opened that he shook it all up, so needless to say, that was one of the fuzziest Diet Cokes I have ever had.  Then today, I took Kayson to his first Ikea store!  We where looking around the kid section when a certain red toy came into view.  Kayson snatched the ugly red rino on a ring off the shelve and shoved it into his mouth before I could pry it from his Kung Fu grip!  Kayson got a new toy today, and the little smirk on his face once again yelled "Victory"!  He also learned that when you stick out your tung and blow that you can make an elephant sound.  Lets just say he spent the entire afternoon making elephant sounds with the cutest little facial expression, I hope to capture it on camera or video someday soon. I don't know what to do about my spoiled little boy!  I love to spoil him.  I love to give him hugs and kisses, read him stories, play with him and his toys, and make funny faces at him!  He makes life fun and exciting and I can't wait to see and experience all of the other cute and quirky things he will do!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Two Extremes

So Jayson, Kayson, and I went to the Drive-in Movies off of Redwood Road last night and it was hot!  We have now done the drive-ins in the bitter cold (in which we had to run the heater, defroster, and wind shield wipers the whole time), on a nice weekday evening (perfect weather), and then again on an extremely hot Saturday night (the temp at 1:30 AM was in the mid 80's)!  I think our preference for this family outting from now on will be during the week (to avoid the ridiculous crowds), and when the weather in in the mid to low 80's during the day (so we won't roast at night).  The movies were still fun and we had a good time watching Disney's, Despicable Me, and then the, A-Team, with Melissa and Skyler last night! 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Long Time Coming!

Gee wiz! I had no idea how long it has been since we started a blog, let alone that we had one! Hahaha, I totally forgot everything associated with it! Well a lot has transpired since we blogged last and here is the update!

I graduated from UVU's education program in 2009, taught Kindergarten at Eagle Valley Elementary School in 2009-2010, and am getting ready to teach Kindergarten again this year at Mount Mahogany Elementary for this upcoming school year! I am really hoping that this school will become my new permanent home and that I won't have to be out looking again next year.

Jayson got his Associates Degree in Automotive Technology this year! YEah! Received the Student of the Year and Top Student Awards from the College of Automotive at UVU, and now is chasing after his Bachelors in Technology Management. He is so much more motivated now that he sees the end in sight!

We have had many adventures in the last year (2009-2010)! Last summer we vacationed with my family in Disney World (yes I returned to my roots) and found out right before we went that I was expecting, who would have thunk?! Like I said, I taught my first year in Eagle Mountain, hosted Christmas at my house (my parents came to us since my husband couldn't leave because of work and I couldn't travel), and in February we welcomed our wonderful little boy, Kayson, to our family. Ever since then life has been really fast pace! We just returned from an awesome vacation in Kansas City and Branson, Missouri, and are currently debating moving from our PG home to another location in Utah Valley. Jayson is working full time at Autozone and I get to be the stay at home Mommy until the middle of August when I return back to teaching! I have to admit that I am really looking forward to a school year in which I am not puking my guts out and catching every single cold, bacteria, and virus that walks into the classroom! Hopefully, the Swine Flu will leave our family alone this year since last year it put both Jayson and I out of commission for over two weeks and canceled our trip to California last fall.

I will do my best to keep things updated on this thing and will try to link it to Facebook so our friends can look at it and keep in touch!