So the last two weeks have become a blur! The day after Labor Day, Grandma Terry suffered a massive stroke and has been, luckley for her, recuperating and surviving in the hospital. She became one of the 5% to survive what she went through and we are hoping that when she wakes up, nothing else was affected. Mom and Dad are going to have their hands full now, it looks like moving to Utah has added some additional responsibilities.
Jayson started school and has been busily trying to master a new field, Accounting and Technology, so he can finish is BS at UVU next fall. He also has been working full time and taking care of Kayson while I am at work.
I started Kindergarten for this year on September 1. I have a very social class and many personalities. This year should be fun, but a challenge due to the diversity of my student population.
Kayson has had a really busy last month. Between age 6 and 7 months, he has army crawled, moved up to crawling, and now is getting into everything and has started to pull himself up onto his feet. I have a feeling that if this trend continues, he will be walking VERY SOON! He also has developed the ability to grab objects, turn pages in books, and to go from laying down to sitting and from sitting to lying down! He also has three teeth that have come in on the bottom and 4 ascending from the top. He is going to be able to eat big people food sooner than I thought! I can't believe how fast my little boy is growing up!
Stay tuned for more...
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