Well, it's has been almost a month since my last post and SO much has happened. School started off with a good start. Kayson began to go to the babysitter's, and life seemed like it would pretty much go on as normal...boy was I wrong.
After the first week of school, Grandma Terry had a massive stroke at the base of her brain by her brain stem. The statistics where that only 5% of individuals who have this type of stroke survive, so we all prepared for the worst. Family flew in from all over the country and she had a continual bedside watch for the first 48 hours after her stroke. But Grandma's fight and stubbornness got her through it and she woke up the next morning. However, that is when the problem escalated. She was unable to swallow and so she had to have a feeding tube eventually put in and due to the use of an oxygen mask to keep her oxygen levels up, she had little to no voice. All she could say was "go home" and "see you tomorrow." She also lost her coordination and really struggled with everyday functions. Grandma continued to grow stronger until it was determined that she was stable and then she was sent to a recovery center, where she could do physical therapy and continue to get better. But apparently "better" was not in the cards and after two weeks of sleepless nights, continual worry, and many prayers, Grandma died in her sleep on September 18th, 2010.
I have to say that her being gone is a relief, but I miss her a lot! I will miss all of the silly and crazy things she did and the concern and love she had for all of her family. I just hope that she is happy in heaven and that she is overwhelmed with love from my Grandpa who has been on the other side for the last eleven years.
Now, my latest challenge has been the students I have this year. I have never had to teach such a vast population of students in ethnicity and academics before. It is hard to see how many lack the necessary keys to be successful, but it is thrilling to see how many have worked so hard this far and have grasped the three sight words I have taught them this week. I still hope for the best and will do what I need to teach these kids to be successful learners in life.
Life has taken us on a few adventures so far. We took Kayson to the state fair to see all the animals (his favorite was the chickens). Let Kayson try chocolate ice cream for the first time. Found our neighbor drunk on our front porch in the middle of the night. Found out about a week ago that Kayson's Similac formula was contaminated with wevals, and just discovered Kirtland Brand Baby Formula to replace the bad formula. We are only slightly frustrated with this change because Kayson didn't have any problems with Similac and now no one will sell it! Kayson is currently suffering with his third cold since birth, he is almost eight months old, and now has eight teeth! And the adventures are sure to go on...
Kayson has made leaps and bounds in his motor skills in the last three weeks. He is now crawling everywhere, getting into everything and as of today, he is beginning to pull himself up to stand on his feet. It is so fun to watch him grow and learn. I can't wait for the day he talks and the day he walks will be joyous, but sad. I especially love it when he gets to come visit me at school during lunch time either with his daddy or Nana. I don't think I realized how much I would miss him while I am at work and I still struggle with taking him to the babysitter's even though it is only for one day a week. I seriously believe I am his favorite fan!
Jayson is doing wonderfully in school and is exceeding his own expectations. He is currently the top student in his accounting class, and had become quite inventive in this thinking with his technology classes at school. He has been very busy juggling school, a full time job, and being Kayson's babysitter during the week. I appreciate his dedication to his studies and the time and sacrifices he is making to take care of our family. I am really lucky to have such a kind and devoted man as my husband and father for my child.
As life continues to unfold, I will continue to post. Good night!
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