Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oh My Spoiled Little Boy!

I thought today would be a perfect day to remember some of the things cute Kayson has recently done.  A couple of days ago Kayson, Aunt Melissa and I were scrapbooking and Kayson wanted my attention.  While sitting in Aunt Missy's lap, he looked me straight in the face and yelled MOM as loud as he could.  The look of victory on his face, when I responded, was probably one of the cutest things I have ever seen in my life.  Yesterday (July 21, 2010), Kayson has sitting on my lap before his nap.  I had an unopened Diet Coke next to me and before I could even get situated, Kayson had snatched up the soda can and tried to open it to drink it.  He got so frustrated when he couldn't get it opened that he shook it all up, so needless to say, that was one of the fuzziest Diet Cokes I have ever had.  Then today, I took Kayson to his first Ikea store!  We where looking around the kid section when a certain red toy came into view.  Kayson snatched the ugly red rino on a ring off the shelve and shoved it into his mouth before I could pry it from his Kung Fu grip!  Kayson got a new toy today, and the little smirk on his face once again yelled "Victory"!  He also learned that when you stick out your tung and blow that you can make an elephant sound.  Lets just say he spent the entire afternoon making elephant sounds with the cutest little facial expression, I hope to capture it on camera or video someday soon. I don't know what to do about my spoiled little boy!  I love to spoil him.  I love to give him hugs and kisses, read him stories, play with him and his toys, and make funny faces at him!  He makes life fun and exciting and I can't wait to see and experience all of the other cute and quirky things he will do!

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